The Book
The Mistletoe Heights History Book is the culmination of years of work of many volunteers led by primary Author and Editor, Melanie Smith and Manuscript Advisor, Annette Gunter.
The book features stories and photographs of MHA homes and residents over the past 100 years across more than 600 pages.
The book is scheduled to go to the printer by October 31st, 2024. It will be the highest quality hardback book with a stitched binding, built to last for several lifetimes.
With this timeline, we will have the book in our hands in the first quarter of 2025. There will be no more delays.
This is a massive commitment by the MHA and we need to know how many books to order by September 30th, 2024!
The bookmaker has breakpoint pricing and we need to know how many books the community wants! Every sale will help us determine the inventory level that we need. We want to make sure we have enough books in hand to meet demand. So order today to register your desire for one of the fabulous books!